Hello, my name is Rob Trevino.

I was baptized into Christ for the remission of sins, and added to “The Lord’s Church” more than ten years ago, and brought up in the churches of Christ since childhood.

There are many Christians including myself, who have at one time or possibly more, been led astray from The Lord’s Church for one reason or another. The reason? When we lean unto our own understanding, and not diligently study God’s Word daily, it is at this point that we allow satan and man to convince us that it is alright to live our Christian Lives differently than The Scriptures tell us to Live.  When I read John 13:34, I realize that it is because of this Scripture, that I must utilize HisLoveforme.com to preach The Gospel of Christ to the individuals who are lost, and think they have no hope because of their current Homeless Situation in their life. Some men are Pulpit Preachers in The Lord’s Church – God uses me for His Will, wherever He needs to use me at His Appointed Time, at any location He sends me to deliver His Word to spiritually lost people. I am a minister for God who is being utilized to lovingly shake the ground that God needs shaken, and care for the ground that needs to be cared for, so that His children who are living in sin will return to The Lord’s Church (The Church of Christ – Matthew 16:18).  The Homeless need Bibles, Food, Water, Clothing, and Shelter. Will you join me in helping the Homeless I come across, with any size of donation?  

Thank You for your support – Rob Trevino


Seeks donations only from faithful churches of Christ, and individual faithful members of the churches of Christ, who are financially able to contribute.

To make a donation, click/tap the “Donate” button below.

God Bless You – Rob Trevino

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