Singing in Worship

Ephesians 5:19 (AKJV) 19 speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
The Teaching Videos on this page, provide valuable Scriptural Lessons regarding Singing in Worship Services. Singing is 1 of the 5 forms of Worship that Christians are commanded to do, when we come together on the first day of each week for Worship Services. We must give our best when we Sing in Worship Services. Please share these Teaching Video Lessons with everyone you know – Rob Trevino

Singing In Worship

(What Is Biblically Authorized?)

Language: English | By GBN Live

Why do the churches of Christ only sing

and not use musical instruments?

Language: English | By Cougan Collins

Why the churches of Christ only sing.

Part 1

Language: English

Learn why the churches of Christ only sing. In this first video (Part 1), Brother Cougan Collins talks more about why we sing and how we sing. In the second video (Part 2), the focus will be more on why we do not use mechanical instruments in our worship to God.

Why the churches of Christ only sing.

Part 2

Language: English

Learn why the churches of Christ only sing. In this second video (Part 2), Brother Cougan Collins talks about why we do not use mechanical instruments in our worship to God.

Hand Clapping

Is it Biblically Authorized?

Language: English

In this Teaching Video, Brother Cougan Collins deals with 3 aspects of hand clapping. Clapping with song of praise, clapping for a Sermon, clapping for a Baptism. hand clapping may seem like a minor issue to some individuals, but we need to take a serious look at this topic and where it can lead.

Singing Workshop by: Jonathan Hinkley

Video provided by:

Teacher: Jonathan Hinckley (Minister at: Temple City church of Christ – Temple City, CA/USA)

Brother Jonathan Hinckley singing Blest be the Tie with members of the Kalookan church of Christ, Metro Manila, Philippines

Song Leading 101 by: Jonathan Hinkley

Video provided by:

Teacher: Jonathan Hinckley (Minister at: Temple City church of Christ – Temple City, CA/USA)

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.